Archive: Writing an Instagram Scraping Python Script

Budget 213$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
I need a python script written to scrape Instagram. It cannot use the public api. It needs to:

1) Scrape all posts from a list of accounts using a .txt file as the input.
2) Information scraped should include the location, date, description, any comments from the original poster, and a link to the post.
3) Output a .csv file with one record per post. Each child comment can be handled as a separate record with same metadata.
4) Data requests should be rate limited to about 1-per-second.

For example, if Ronaldo made a post and then commented twice on the post, the .csv output would be:

@cristiano | Dubai, United Arab Emirates | 1/28/19 | Vittoria di carattere! Grande Juve #finoallafine |
@cristiano | Dubai, United Arab Emirates | 1/28/19 | Comment text |
@cristiano | Dubai, United Arab Emirates | 1/28/19 | Comment text 2 | (edited)
editing,application programming interface (API),Arabic,comma separated values(csv),instagram,poster design,Python programming language,scraping,software development