Archive: Urgent need for game development

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Posted: 5 years ago
I am in urgent need of the development of a simple 'word' game, hopefully within the next 1-2 weeks. I know this may be a stretch, but I am looking for a game coded in python,tkinter, which does the following;

Asks the user for their username. If they are a returning player, their score from the previous game is collected from a CSV file and retrieved. If they're new, they enter a username and are added to the same CSV file.

The game consists of three rounds; in each, a serious of random letters are generated, from which the user has 10 attempts to create words out of these letters, for example, the random letters 'GHATSM' could be displayed, and each possible word is assigned a Value e.g. a three letter word has three points, such as HAT, two-letter word 2 points etc. After 10 attempts in round one, the scores of the 10 attempts are added. they then move onto round 2 where another set of random letters are generated and so on. there are 3 rounds. At the end of three rounds, the overall score from the three rounds (30 attempts) is added and displayed.

This new score should then be accredited to their username and stored in the CSV file. When this same user returns, their new points are added to their old score, so they have a running total.

There may also be the potential for a help button and timer.

The colour scheme should be cool tones of blue, yellow, green and white.

If I could receive the python code behind the game as well, with the use of tkinter and csv file, that would be great, so that i have an electronic version of the code.

The link below demonstrates the type of game I am aiming for, however, can be a much simpler version:

Hope to hear from you soon, many thanks

Gurveen Aujla
(video) game development,comma separated values(csv),electronics,Python programming language,retrieval,tkinter