Archive: Tutor for Game Development and Programming

Budget 19$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
Hi, I am more or less seeking someone who follows industry standard protocols in game development and programming. I am about to design and build a new video game after several attempts. I have basic knowledge of most programs. The software we will be using is all open source. To name a few, please read the following list. You must have experience in at least these 6 software options. Please mention your experience level in each software application.

1. Blender
2. Sculptris
3. Gimp
4. Inkscape
5. Toonz
6. Unity

The job would first entail a consultation as to what necessary equipment I will need to build the game such as a graphics tablet or midi-keyboard. Also, you would be required to answer my bounty of questions, guide me through the processes of building a 3-D indie game, and provide tutorials as well as for instructions to follow.

The games we would be building together would be mainly epic horror and dualist epic fantasy. I have many scripts and roughly put together game level design sheets. I want to make my first successful game within 1-years time at the minimal.

This job entails perhaps 3-4 hours of your time once every bi-weekly depending on how much time I have to work on the game myself. I work full time, so I am seeking someone with a flexible scedule.

I have dozens of video game ideas floating around the crevasses of my imagination with no knowledge to display them to the outside world correctly. If you think you can help with this, please feel free to apply. Please state epic fantasy in your proposal to be considered. I should also mention the terms are negotiable to an extent, and you will receive a mention in the credits, as well a percentage of the first year's royalties.
gimp,inkscape,tutorial,(video) game development,advice/consult and guidance,application software,blender 3d,building design,level design,open source,protocol,software development,UNITY programming language