Serial data conversion and simple queue display system
per month
Posted: 4 year ago
- Description
My company provides wireless “Service Bells”. These are a more modern version of the old cable pull “servants bells” that used to be found in many English country houses.
Details here:
Some of our customers use a simple paging based system and some require a status display of some sort so my requirement is in two parts; Paging and Display:
Our service bells use RF Solutions “Gamma” transmitters which communicate back to a similar Gamma unit configured as a receiver which has its own RS232 output.
We are a reseller of Scope paging equipment so we will use their Connexions transmitter (and pagers) which uses their own RS232 based protocol (see attached doc).
So, I need a system to interface the RS232 output of the RF Solutions receiver to the RS232 input of the Scope Connexions paging transmitter. Both interfaces running at 9600bps.
The program needs to:
1 - Receive 14 byte data packets from the RF Solutions "Gamma" receiver (see attached info).
2 - Read the value of the three address bytes in the received packet.
3 - Use that info as a lookup to a message table
4 – Add the relevant paging address and a couple of other parameters to construct a packet conforming to "Scope" protocol (see attached Info).
5 - Transmit that packet over a “true” (12V) 9600 RS232 interface
The table needs to be user (i.e. me) modifiable so that I can input the unique transmitter addresses, paging messages and addresses (also known as capcodes) for each customer.
Where customers require a display we usually make a panel of illuminated switches which light up to show which bell is calling and can be cancelled by pushing the switch. Simple but has limitations as it does not show how long a user has been waiting for service or, if there are several switches lit, in which order they should be serviced.
I’d like to have a touch screen display (probably 10”) that can accommodate a number of lines (maybe 6) each of which would relate to a call for service and detail; the calling bell (this will be the same as the message in the table above), how long it has been outstanding and be ordered with the first (oldest) call at the top with others ranked below it in order of wait time. Would be nice to colour code the lines according to wait time.
Any line can be cancelled (removed from display) by touching it. With the others being re-ordered.
There should also be some form of audible alarm when a new call arrives.
I’ve been looking at Arduino for the RS232 part of the solution but, from what I’ve read, they’re not great for large displays.
Raspberry Pi looks good for driving displays but bad for serial communication.
Perhaps I need both (Arduino for the RS232 which also sends the message to the RasPi for display)?
But I’m not a deep techy. Perhaps there is another way that you have experience of?
I have a fairly immediate need for the paging aspect of these requirements and a lightly less imminent need for the Display part so they can be priced and delivered separately as long as we understand how the two will work together.
The budget figure quoted is just a suggestion from the PPH system. I have no idea how much effort might be involved. Please let me know what you think is a reasonable, competitive price.
If you have experience of Arduino, RS232 & Raspberry Pi driving HDMI displays I’d be very interested to receive your proposals on how the solution should be constructed. I’m looking for both hardware and programming experience as I’ll probably need some help with specifying and selecting appropriate/compatible hardware.
If you have an alternative approach and can demonstrate its viability I’d also like to hear from you.
Please, if you have neither of the above, I’d appreciate it if you don’t waste your time (or mine) by responding.
arduino,communication,competition,English,illumination,protocol,raspberry pi,timescale,user interface (UI)
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