Archive: Restaurant Management System java project with source code

Budget 327$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
Restaurant management system is an in house development software. This software you can use multi product one bill or individual bill any departmental store or restaurant management system. The expertise of this software: automatically add vat (if you want), print, customize rate, customize product, calculator, the calculate exchange of foreign currency, daily sales statement and monthly sales statement without expenditure. all work is flexible, auto date, form's all fields are hidden and activate clicking by check box, multi user, user create , records of users , this software as like ERP system. You can use this software desktop base or web base.

The concept of this software:
1. DB # .accdb
2. Form design # java netbeans.
3. Login system.
4. coding # advance java.
5. easy to use and portable.
6. use to data connectivity or data and internet connectivity both.
7. 100% data security.
8. Customize development according to your office practice.
With the software you get:
1. Source file.
2. Source code.
3. Jar file.
4. Microsoft access.
I'll be happy to help you! After complete the project also.
Note: After handover this project, any editing and additional form developing will be with payable.
Shahid khan.
editing,customization,database,design,desktop,enterprise resource planning (erp),Java programming language,khan academy,microsoft access,netbeans,software development,web