Archive: Option to macros, diagrams of data output, tables excel
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Posted: 5 years ago
- Description
- I have an excel file. I need to give you instructions on. basically see excel file mondiales sheet 3. need diagram for stochastic(above yellow box), demand supply increment movements of stochastic qty. units on stochastic axis as per yellow box superimposed please on axis ie "up up lhs" is top lhs of stochastic(demand/supply) axis. then the diagram that this deriviates from this needs to be drawn[more explicitation can be given by conversation easily easily to do, for more money too]: that the excess( top vs bottom, lhs vs rhs)(total and per section totals) need to be tabulated then mvt of use to end in the taking to rebalance from excess units is from axis e* to rhs and then cut back lhs if necessary in a game of 1/4 units each side top/bottom of axis to rebalance and then take max profits in mvt along axis to profit directly from gains or take position(take b=s per value) to take gains, many variable. to check coherency need culmulative aggregate % units b(line going down of axis) to s(line going up on axis) in increments of 1/4 total output qt x 4, 1/3 total output x 3, 1/5 of 1,1,2,3,5 units of qt.
diagram,software development,Visual Basic programming language
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