Archive: OMAR KHAYYAM Alcoholic Beverages

Budget 516$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
We are a new small business established in Nottingham, we are the exclusive right holders of the Brand Omar Khayyam, which is a range of Alcoholic drinks such as Vodka, brandy, wine and Sparkling wine.

We are looking for individuals who are good and professional in creating artworks such as posters, brochures, flyers, online banners etc for our advertising campaigns, someone who knows how to use indesign/Corel/photoshop and the relevant applications. We also need a promoter who knows how to use the online marketing tools such as Facebook and Instagram and use a camera and digital photography for our products.
Knowledge of how to use the office 365 is also an important services we are looking for.
If we find the right candidates, we are more than happy to have a long continuous relationship with our freelancers and build this brand together.

Please have a look at our Instagram page @@omarkhayyamuk or our website WWW.OMARKHAYYAMUK.COM

We know that they both need major improvements, thats why we are seeking your help.

banner,artwork,brochure,flyer,online marketing,adobe indesign,adobe photoshop,alcohol industry,campaign,corel,digital photography,facebook,instagram,microsoft office 365 (ms office 365),poster design,web