New INNO setup script for Bert Excel 'R' toolkit.

Budget 129$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
I want a working INNO installer script of Bert for Excel ( as it doesn't install well on some versions of Excel/Windows versions at my work.

This MUST be Inno Installer script and must install BERT into ALL Excel versions (2010+) including any paths, environment variables and appear in the Addins Excel tab as the original one does.

You'll have to install the version AND GET it to work on all Excel versions. I need this to be 100% reliable.

You'll have to figure how to do this as and fix the original issues that stop it installing well on some PC's.

Handling Excel versions and X32 and x64 as needed. All Excel versions Excel 2010+

If you have no Inno setup experience, please do not apply.
If you have no expert Excel setup knowledge please do not apply.

I cannot help with any technical issues as I don't use this toolkit but I now have to install it at work.

Script with sources in zip file after completion please.

inno setup,microsoft windows

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