Archive: Need an experienced Python/Django programmer

Budget 30$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
I'm looking for a highly experienced python & Django programmer that has experience with Elastic Search or SOLR.
This project is a two-month project as we need to stick to our deadline of launching our MVP. There are a few bugs that need to be fixed along with some changes and features that need to be developed — our current stack, Python, Django, AWS, Mailgun, Angular 7, and PostgreSQL. And you must have software testing experience.

Your code must be clean if you need to make comments we recommend it.

You will first do a code review. You must be 100% confident in the project before starting.

If interested in the project, let me know ASAP.
software testing,amazon web services,elastic search,postgresql,angular js,apache solr,applications developer,Django-cms,Python programming language,software development