Archive: Multiplayer game mode for the existing game prototype

Budget 102$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
We need to enhance the existing game by multiplayer mode.
1. Players can gather in a single game area.
2. Move between game objects
3. Talk to each other in a text and voice chat
4. Shapes of the player's objects repeat the avatar configuration from the user profile.
5. The text chat is realised through the console with chat text ribbon.
6. Get the possibility of private message exchange between players
7. Add to the existing game functionality three modes of vision.
a) From a personal point of view.
b) From the point of view of an external camera which is followed to his owner.
c) A set of panoramic cameras placed on the different points of the total scene.
8. Add camera and view configuration.
a) From a personal point of view: Field of view configuration. By use of a slider from 50 to 90-degree angle.
b) Configuration of panoramic camera's places.
c) Configuration of personal external view: the position of the camera and its zoom.

1. Unity ver. 2017.3.1f1 of above
2. Integration into an existing game prototype access to whom will be provided (gitlab repository)
(video) game development,software development,UNITY programming language