Archive: Make trial-to-paid conversion rates

Budget 213$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
Here are thoughts/needs you can also have your input as an expert.

So basic idea is to have a 14-day trial-to-paid conversion rate so you can see how many accounts convert by the end of the free trial period. So based on customer behavior on the platform we want to predict if they are going to convert to the paid customer or not?

- How accurately can we estimate the effect of each feature on trial-to-paid conversion rates?
- How accurately can we predict future trial-to-paid conversion rates?
- Is the relationship linear?
- Is there synergy among customer behaviour with regard to trial-to-paid conversion rates?
- How are we going to decide on important variables?
- Which model we can come up which serve all the above questions?
- How we will be assessing the accuracy of the model?
- Can I make some recommendation based insights from the dataset we have?
- Our response variable is “inflow_paid”?
- Includes follow up question and interpretation, recommendations and a small report of results.

Thanks in advance.
prediction,software development,translation