Archive: Large JSON file convert and import into mongodb

Budget 79$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
I have a requirement to import data in JSON file into a mongdb.

the challenge is that the files when unzipped exceed the 16mb limit set by mongodb. I do not want to split the files as there are approximately 20 source json files above this limit.

I need a script that can convert the json file into either a BSON or CSV (or other if developer recommends something else more suitable for the task) and use the mongo client to perform the import process e.g. mongoimport or mongorestore.

The script will be used regularly as part of a cron so should be suitable on linux host e,g, debian.

you can obtain a source json file here;
file size is approx 4mb zipped - 120mb unzipped.
linux,comma separated values(csv),cron,debian operating system,general programming,json,mongo db,software development