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Budget 844$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
I'm not sure whether to build this myself or to have a competent person here to do it as I have time constraints on some current projects.
I need a system built in Laravel to allow the purchase of tickets, vouchers and day passes by club members (passes)
The rough outline is as follows:
1. A membership database with and Auth system and varying user rights so that admin staff can access CRUD of tickets, vouchers and day passes.
2. CRUD venues for the passes.
3. Some venues will have a single day pass, others will have two or more passes.
4. Some venues will have tickets and each ticket will have a number that is input into the system.
5. Some venues will have ad hoc events , these events need to be input onto the system and tickets added.
6. All tickets, day vouchers and passes are for sale. Staff need to add prices and the checkout needs to be in SagePay.
7. Each ticket or pass can be emailed, collected in person or posted (postage extra charge)
8. All vouchers need to have an image uploaded onto the system so that purchasers can print them out.
9. The members database needs to record any purchases (one to many relationship).
10. The Laravel app needs to be delivered with routes,migrations, models and controllers stored in Laravel's conventional places and the controllers well commented so that I can pick up and expand if necessary.
applications developer,database,laravel framework,model view controller (mvc),software development
Source: peopleperhour.com

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