Archive: Interview screening for SDET

Budget 11$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
-> 3-5+ years of experience building or testing software in an agile environment
-> Experience with testing frameworks like MS Test, NUnit/xUnit, Selenium, calling REST API’s, and JavaScript testing
-> Experience programming, extra points for familiarity with .NET
-> Experience with and comfortability deploying, interacting with, uninstalling, upgrading, parsing logs for, and debugging
installed applications
-> Knowledge of software quality assurance best practices, including test planning
-> Ability to write Linux (bash) scripts to manipulate test data
-> Familiarity with one or more programming languages, JavaScript preferred
-> Strong logical reasoning and ability to think before acting
-> Ability to edit and run SQL
agile software,structured query language (sql),software testing,linux,.net framework,debugging,JavaScript programming language,microsoft (ms),selenium webdriver,software development,software quality,testing framework