I need to edit my ebay listing automatically from VBA Access
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Posted: 5 years ago
- Description
- I need a module written in Visual Basic for Applicatioin, run on Access 2010, which will do the following:
1. log on into an ebay account,
2. find a certain lot/item, open it for editing and set few fields in accordance to my requirements.
3. Repeat p. 2 (search and editing) until the list of items to be modified is completed.
The main program is VBA on Microsoft Access 2010;
list of items - a Select query
modification - preferrably Selenium for Chrome.
All nesessary checks must be executed and errors trapped: Page is loaded, Element exists, loaded, status is "Clicked" or not etc
API can not be used as the fields are not supported by eBay API.
If you are familiar with Selenium IDE, this s a simple job.
editing,ebay application programming interface (ebay api),ebay listing,google chrome,integrated development environment (IDE),microsoft access,selenium webdriver,software development,VBA programming language,Visual Basic programming language
- Category
Source: peopleperhour.com