Archive: I need an app made like Tinder but with a twist

Budget 768$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
I need apps made that function like Tinder but have a whole different concept.

It will NOT be a dating app, instead it will help users find good deals on items for sale from multiple retailers. They can swipe left or right exactly like Tinder but it will work a little differently. If they swipe left then it will remove the deal and go to the next one. If they swipe right then they will be given an option to save that deal or sent directly to the website of that retailer to purchase.

There will need to be a user app for both IOS and Android. Then there would need to be a backend admin site for myself to manage all aspects. I have seen clone scripts for Tinder which could work for me also but I want to see what other developers have to offer with their pricing and expertise.

If you believe you have what it takes to make these please let me know your BEST price for the job above. Ignore the price I specify, I want to hear your quote. Please also mention how long you expect to take on this job.

This job will most likely be on going after completion if you're able to as I will need support afterwards.

Thanks :)
android,applications developer,back end developer,ios,software development