Archive: I need a prototype of a simulation tool to demonstrate our product capabilities.

Budget 39$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
I am looking to create a simulation tool that will demonstrate how our products work. On the attached Excel file there are 2 tabs. One is a sample of the interface we came up with. The other is the combo of selections made on the interface and the corresponding video that would show. I am open to suggestions on the interface and on how this will work. The basic idea is that the user will select their parameters on the "Select Device" and "Select Load" columns, hit "Launch", and the video will display. For the "Select Load" column, the ideal scenario is that the dial rotates to the % that the user wishes to use.

I have a file with all of the videos but it is too large to attach to this post. Once I find the right individual, I will coordinate delivery of those videos through a different file sharing method.

I am looking for something that is a desktop application that people can put on their computers for quick access. I may also be interested in a web based application, but for now this is just a prototype. If we like what we see, there will be a larger scale to this tool that will include more selection criteria and more video outputs.
video,desktop application,simulations,software development,user interface (UI),web