Archive: I need a MATLAB design project based on Wireless Physical Layer Security
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Posted: 5 years ago
- Description
- (Note: Knowledge of MATLAB, and Signal Processing required)
Consider a wireless communication channel in which Alice is the transmitter, Bob is the legitimate receiver and Eve is the eavesdropper. All the channels are constant over time i.e. not fading. H & G are the channel gains of the receiver and eavesdropper respectively.
In MATLAB, implement a 2-Dimensional communication scenario in which there are many reflectors. The receiver and the eavesdropper are stationary but the transmitter is moving. Calculate the entries of H & G and show that both the receiver and eavesdropper channels are less correlated to each other and if correlated, how to imply secrecy at the pre-coding part.
communication,design,MATLAB programming language,signal processing
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