I need a driver updatd to work with latest Mac OS

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Budget 79$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
I have a driver for a piece of audio equipment called a Roland Edirol UA 101. Problem is that the latest version of this driver will only work up to Mac OS10.9.
I need the driver updating so it will still work with the latest version of Mac OS so I can keep using my UA 101. As it is at the moment, I am having to downgrade my Macbook to OS10.9 (which in itself is a mission and a half) and this is simply not sustainable.
The driver is freely available here https://www.roland.com/uk/support/by_product/ua-101/updates_drivers/4f8c1c8f-33d5-409e-9de5-984240dd1cdd/
Please help. This is a small personal request, not a big company. Maybe it simply cannot be done for what we can afford, but if I dont ask, then I will never find out.
audio,general programming,macintosh,software development
Source: peopleperhour.com

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