Archive: Help creating a kanban board or to do list for uk accountant

Budget 258$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
We have started to use Asana for our job management. We are UK accountants.

We have found that not many systems have recurring job options.

Accountants also need jobs to recur even if the previous job was incomplete.

Start dates and deadlines dates need to recur as well.

Asana does all this - but it seems to struggle a little with annual jobs - like year end accounts. We have noticed today that a job with a date last year of 31/8/18 has repeated but with a date of 1/9/19 this year. It has added a day on for some reason.

It would also be useful to be able to move cards automatically from one column to another dependent on criteria - deadline date for example. And it would also be useful to turn cards a different colour based on criteria - orange in the month of deadline, red for overdue etc.