Archive: Excel Macro Creating a table

Budget 128$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
I have an Excel tool, that with numerical text entry produces an output table. Namely you enter a figure, and the table below changes. I would like a macro, that functionally does the below.

There are four columns of numerical text entry and I would like to produce 8 tables - 4 columns and 2 metrics which are separate rows.

I hope this description is clear - happy to have questions.



Metric X (X1,X2,X3,X4)
1. Increase parameter X by 10%
2. Copy resulting data into table (under column 50%)
3. Increase parameter X by 10%
4. Copy resulting data into table (under column 60%) etc.
Loop c.15 times for all values of X.

Metric Y (Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4)
1. Increase parameter Y by 10%
2. Copy resulting data into table (under column 50%)
3. Increase parameter Y by 10%
4. Copy resulting data into table(under column 60%) etc.
Loop c.15 times for all values of Y.
software development,Visual Basic programming language