Data Visualisation & Metrics Dashboard/ Analysis

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Budget 609$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago

We're a publications company and so data is very important for us. We're currently signed up to a CRM & Marketing Automation platform, which allows us to capture data around each individual user, as to what they're up to on our website and how they're interacting with our emails.

Now the issue is that the platform we're on isn't that sophisticated to give us the data visualisation & metrics we need. For instance, we have all the data on a timeline on what they're up to, but we'd like to quantify this. I can delve deeper into exactly what data points we have and what we need.

The platform, can, however, allow us to perform API calls to extract all the raw data behind the scene. We can then go ahead and create a custom solution.

That is why I'm here. I'm looking for someone who is skilled with API calls and data, to help us on this project to produce our very own custom-made metrics dashboard.

In applying for this, please do not send generic offers without understanding the job description. Please do let us know if you've worked in a similar capacity before, and how you'd go around this problem.

We can work the pricing around the project.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

customer relationship management (CRM),application programming interface (API),customization,software development,web

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