Create an authentication API using passportJS

Budget 53$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
Tech stack: nodeJS, passportJS and lightweight DB like sqlite/lowdb/rethinkDB on Linux machine

I need a backend API service that gives the application being developed the ability to use an authentication function. The users can be local (registered through frontend) or with an IDP like AD. MFA for the local application users.
The DB used to store the credentials, session keys/tokens should be lightweight and not be a full-blown DB like MySQL or Mongo.

The frontend will be developed later. More details, if required will be provided before the project starts. Please also specify when you can start the project and an estimated day when it will be delivered.
linux,mysql,application programming interface (API),applications developer,authentication,back end developer,database,front end developer,mongo db,node js,software development,sqlite programming

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