Archive: AWS hands on experiance project along with other skills

Budget 46$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
IT professional with recently added AWS training and associate level certification.

I am transitioning to an AWS focused career (Dev-ops) looking for hands on AWS project/task experience I can use for consulting portfolio and or resume. I want to do some or ALL of the work and will pay you for the pleasure!
Will consider pretty much any type of project but would particularly be interested in Solutions Architect projects, Could formation automation, AWS network architecture, Lambda serverless, Dynamo DB,

Looking to do several projects so I will be posting again and be willing to pay more for really good projects. I am looking to gain hands on AWS project/task related experience. You might be able to meet the requirements in one of 2 ways.
1. Ideally you have an active project(s) that I can assist with. I want to be involved in the design and implementation of the solution/tasks involved in the project. (Remember, i would pay you to be involved, you do not pay me anything.)
Or 2. You have a previous project that you completed and you will use that project and solution to allow me to try and duplicate the work you did. You give me requirements and i will try and design the solution and then implement it myself in my AWS environment (or some other environment or lab).

I will consider many types of AWS project but would particularly be interested in Solutions Architect projects, Could Formation automation, AWS 3 tier network architecture , Lambda, Linux bash scripting and some other tools like SQL, Ansible, Chef, Puppet.

Does this makes sense? If it doesn't make sense to you then feel free to ask me questions via chat and email. If it does make sense then what kind of projects do you have that I could possibly work on.?

architectural design,structured query language (sql),amazon web services,linux,ansible,automation,Bash (Bourne shell) programming language,database,puppet,software development,system administration