Successful Delegation - The Marker of a Good Leader

Posted 8 October 2019

Running a remote team is not an easy task. And one of the most challenging part of this task is delegation! 

Right delegation helps the team to become successful. Such team is united, prosperous and attractive for employers. Such team will also have lots of job offers, high income and productive relationships. And now, let us ask you a question! Do you want to lead such a team? We guess, no one will say “no” :)

So, we are ready to help you!

Tip 1 - Discuss with your team

When you received a job offer from some client - discuss it with your members. For example, let’s imagine some Mrs White offers you to do his project. Before saying “yes”, tell Mrs White to wait for a little, previously asking what the project is about and so on. Then your task is to arrange the meeting with the team and think of the project together, decide whether you would or wouldn’t take it. 

Some leaders skip this essential step and make a big mistake. Each member must know what he is going to deal with and each member must have an opportunity to express his opinion. Some tasks may be too difficult or too easy for someone, or just boring, no matter. In other words, make sure everyone is ready to accept the particular job offer.

Tip 2 - Make it a big fat

After taking the project, make it absolutely understandable for the members. Tell them about its aim, end result which the employer want to see.

Divide the full project into smaller steps, these steps into smaller tasks and so on; set the deadlines. 

We think, there is no matter to explain a lot about that. The main rule is to be honest, accurate and organized so that the team completely understands what they are going to do. 

Tip 3 - Choose the tool to communicate

As we say each time, communication is significant!

In the context of delegation it means you ought to take care of the way you communicate. It is easy now, actually. There are a lot of such tools now suited to every fancy (recently we have posted an article about them). 

Our recommendation is to use video conferences, chats, voice messages. That’s because the remote team can’t communicate in real, so try to make it as real as you can. Don’t limit yourself with one method! 

Personally you, as a leader, should be always online and ready to help/solve/control the situation. 

Tip 4 - Be considerable

This is more about behavior, not actions. 

It’s awesome if you managed to do all that tips but the other necessary thing is to think about each member. 

While dividing tasks, setting deadlines, discussing the details, make sure everything suits a particular member. Pay attention to the person’s timezone, regime, working hours, health issues and so on. That’s what makes the team productive! Take into account your members’ private life, respect their time as much as yours and remember that the rest is also essential because exhausted workers never work well.

Tip 5 - Feedback and motivation

The last but not the least is to motivate and encourage the team.

Talking about motivation, the only thing which is needed to be mentioned is that your responsibility is to boost the team’s spirit! This helps you all to work “a thousand miles per hour”.

And after you finish the project, give your team useful feedback. Say what was done the best and what could be improved in the future.

Delegation of the team can make it either successful and highly productive or unsuccessful and ineffective. The actions you do could make you either a worthwhile leader or a totally wasted leader. Be careful and responsible, we wish you patience and luck!

See you soon!


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Being considerable is very important, I agree. Sometimes leaders forget about it :(
5 years ago
Good post, useful tips, thank you!

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