Pear Analytics

125$ per hour
San Antonio
Local time:
Sign up date:
February 2019
140 Heimer Road, Suite 195 San Antonio, TX 78232
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Rating: 25

Restore a Page 1 Ranking for "SA Commercial Real Estate"

After running a series of tests on the website, we were able to determine the problem and restore the site's ranking back to page 1 for an important keyword.
We are committed to our customers and their success, and we think thats worth more than an empty promise or fake guarantee.
We were able to restore their ranking for their primary keyword to page 1 of results after about 4 weeks by disavowing bad links that were pointing to the website.
As you can see from the email, the client kept checking the results and over time, they gradually began to improve.
added: 5 years ago